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9 Elul — The Time To Favor Zion

9 Elul — The Time To Favor Zion

It was on this day, in 1267, that Moses Ben Nahman, better known as the sage Nachmanides, arrived in Jerusalem to establish a Jewish community there. After the defeat of the Bar Kohkba rebellion in 135 AD, the Romans completely destroyed Jerusalem and built a smaller...
9 Elul — The Time To Favor Zion

8 Elul — Breaking Down Idols

It was on this day, in the year 70 AD, that the walls of the upper city of Jerusalem were battered down by the Romans, thus completing the conquest of Jerusalem and Judea. On that day, all Jewish resistance to the Romans came to an end. In this event, we see the...
9 Elul — The Time To Favor Zion

7 Elul — Created For A Purpose

According to Jewish tradition, it was on this day that Amram married Jochebed, a union that led to the birth of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. As we know, Moses was born during a very dangerous and oppressive time if you were a Hebrew male. The king of Egypt had decreed all...

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